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Hurstville Private Hospital

37 Gloucester Road

SydneyNew South Wales2220


Hurstville is a 157-bed private hospital located approximately 16 kilometres south-west of the Sydney CBD specialising in surgical services and obstetrics. The facility is operated by Healthe Care and also offers radiology, pathology, catheterisation lab, ICU, maternity, neonatal and paediatric services.


Vital acquired Hurstville in May 2012. Since acquisition, the facility has undergone major redevelopment work, providing additional acute clinical services including increased operating capacity and patient accommodation. The most significant upgrade of the existing facilities was completed in 2015 which almost doubled the hospital size and capacity. Vital also owns one adjacent residential dwelling allowing for future expansion.

Tenant Mix
Hospital Operators
Total Area
135238 SQ FT | 12564 SQ M
Abundant parking for patients and visitors
Marise Palat
Property Manager
O: 0435 757 058