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Playford Health Hub – Retail & Carpark

44 John Rice Avenue, Elizabeth Vale

AdelaideSouth Australia5112


Originally home to the Elizabeth Vale Shopping Centre, now 60% demolished to facilitate construction of Stages 1 & 2. The site is situated directly opposite the Lyell McEwin Hospital, a major tertiary hospital and the third largest public hospital in South Australia.


Vital received Development Approval for Stages 1 and 2 of the Playford Health Hub in 2020. Stage 1, encompassing a retail precinct and multideck car park was completed in November 2021 and the specialist medical consulting building (Stage 2) commenced construction in 2022 with a forecast completion of early 2024.


The design phase for the private hospital, being the third and final stage of the development is underway with the development Application submitted in March 2023. Construction period for the three level building with basement car park is in the order of 2 years and will result in an estimated end value of the precinct being c. $125m (100% interest).

Total Area
17756 SQ FT | 1649 SQ M
Marise Palat
Property Manager
O: 0435 757 058