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Ascot Hospital

90 Green Lane East, Remuera

AucklandNorth Island1051

New Zealand

Ascot Hospital and Clinics is a private surgical and medical hospital with associated consulting areas, with the major tenant being Ascot Hospital and Clinics. Ascot Hospital is one of the Trust’s flagship properties and is considered one of New Zealand’s premier private surgical and medical facilities, with 12 operating theatres, 88 inpatient beds, specialist consulting suites, an on-site radiology provider and a 24-hour accident and emergency clinic. It also has a high dependency unit and offers coronary care facilities.

Tenant Mix
Hospital Operators, Medical Specialists, Cardilogist
Total Area
122496 SQ FT | 11380 SQ M
Abundant parking for patients and visitors
Sophie Benfell-Brinsden
Property Manager
O: 09 973 7312