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Kensington Hospital

12 Kensington Avenue, Kensington

WhangareiNorth Island0112

New Zealand

Kensington Hospital is operated by Healthcare Holdings Ltd, a leading healthcare provider, and offers both inpatient and day-stay surgery services.


The hospital includes 5 operating theatres and 21 beds, with an adjoining building that provides consulting and support services.


A significant extension was completed in 2008, adding capacity for endoscopic and elective surgeries.


In July 2016, the Trust secured a new 30-year lease with Kensington Hospital Ltd, and provision for future expansion on nearby development land is retained by the Trust.

Tenant Mix
Hospital Operators
Total Area
25370 SQ FT | 2357 SQ M
Abundant parking for patients and visitors
Sophie Benfell-Brinsden
Property Manager